Customer Experience Amplified

We make it easy for you to delight, retain and grow your community of loyal customers.

Headshot of an old woman, smiling and wearing glasses
Darwin Crate suscription

What's In It For You

Your recurring revenue businesses must deliver ongoing value to keep your customers continuously engaged and committed to your brand.

When content and products aren’t delivered on-time - or if they’re not engaging and relevant - customer satisfaction wanes and subscribers, members, and future revenue-earning opportunities are lost. Darwin CX is committed to delivering a single source for the products and services needed to power all key aspects of your recurring revenue business, including:

  • Ensuring that your content and products are delivered reliably
  • Automating the time- and labour-intensive aspects of your business
  • Arming you with the tools necessary to capture and leverage the most valuable insights at every customer touch-point (both on- and off-line).

By automating many of these time- and labour-intensive aspects of your business, your team is free to focus on bigger, more strategic opportunities.

Industry-Specific Solutions

Darwin CX has the tools to power your recurring revenue business.

Functions Made Easier

The ‘CX’ in Darwin CX stands for ‘Customer Experience’. Every tool, dashboard, report, service, and solution that Darwin CX offers has been specifically architected to amplify customer experience.

Our goal is to help you save time, effort, and money so that you can reinvest these valuable resources into building new content and experiences that surprise and delight your customers at each customer touchpoint, not on the operational underpinnings of your business.

Here are some of the ways Darwin CX is making your job easier.

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Web & Mobile

  • Identity & Login
  • Paywall & Content Gating
  • Customer Self Service
  • Real Time Offers
  • Behavior Tracking
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B.I. & Analytics

  • Customer Data Platform
  • 360° View of Customer
  • On-Demand Reports
  • Real-Time Dashboards
  • Business Intelligence Tools
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Audience Management

  • Print & Digital Subscriptions
  • Auto Renewal
  • Renewals & Bills
  • Remittance Processing
  • Email Orchestration
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Contact Center

  • Customer Care
  • Upsell / Cross-Sell
  • Outbound Calling
  • Save-The-Sale Programs
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Fulfillment Services

  • Magazine Fulfillment
  • Subscription Box Management
  • Pick, Pack & Ship

See What Our Customers Are Saying

“With a diverse range of acquisition channels (including more than 60 retail stores), a highly sophisticated renewal matrix, and complex and frequently changing subscription gift offers, Australian Geographic presents a few rather unique challenges. The Darwin system has given us a number of new ways to promote and retain subscriptions and we’re currently outperforming Australian industry benchmarks both in retention and acquisition.”

Cornelia Schulze
Cornelia Schulze
Former COO
Australian Geographic Pty. Ltd.

By leveraging Darwin’s ever-growing functionality, ZoomerMedia has seen record growth across all their platforms. As our first-party data increases in value, we are most excited about being able to expand into new lines of business.

Omri Tintpulver
Omri Tintpulver

The complexity of a subscription business is widely underestimated and not well understood. While the conversion to Darwin required a fundamental change to our business, it has been well worth it.

Travis Lunau
Travis Lunau
Director of Marketing
Cottage Life

Subscriber and membership growth is a key part of our strategy. Kudos to Darwin for committing resources to developing a new platform in a space that hasn't seen innovation on this scale in decades.

Ken Hunt
Ken Hunt
EVP & Group Publisher
SJC Media Group

As we began our data aggregation journey, the issue of data hygiene became increasingly apparent to us, Darwin’s AI-based deduplication capabilities allow us to resolve customer identities, regardless of where the data originates, leaving us with a unified customer profile that we feel confident in. That, in turn, allowed us to launch omnichannel experiences.

Kate Hickey
Kate Hickey
Irish Studio

Resource Center

Darwin CX keeps its finger on the pulse of all the things that impact your business so you don’t have to. Find out what we’re learning, and how we’re using these insights to transform an industry.